FreeStyle Libre 2 have been upgraded to FreeStyle libre 2 Plus. There is a price increase which directly relates to the additional day of wear time which is 15 days.
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edge® Multiparameter EC/TDS/Salinity Meter - HI2030
edge® Multiparameter pH Meter - HI2020
Environmental Monitoring Learning- Registrations
Eppendorf Assay/Reader Microplates
Eppendorf BioPhotometer® D30 Reference Filter Set - EP6133928004
Eppendorf BioPhotometer® Lamp (with holder) - EP6131130005
Eppendorf BioSpectrometer® Fluorescence Reference Filter Set - EP6137928009
Eppendorf BioSpectrometer® Reference Filter Set - EP6135928001
Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL
Eppendorf Mastercycler® Pro Control Panel - EP6320000007
Eppendorf MixMate® Assembly Fixture - EP5353857209
Eppendorf Plate Lid, 80 lids (5×16)